Friday 10 November 2017


Original story & 
My Original screenplay

This is the original Grimm's fairy tale prior to my adjustments...

Here is my screenplay including direction

This script/screenplay has been through numerous iterations, taking me months to get it as I want it. The importance of me getting this correct would be the success or failing of my film and so I did not do just one version, I did one then re wrote it and so on and so on.
My final screenplay is heavily based around the Yorkshire vernacular and is aimed for me to impress humour and resonance with the yorkshire based animation studios I am aiming all of my job interest and applications at this year. I ended up going for a "This is me" approach after dropping a non interactive style narration, I am a huge fan of this way or making a movie, and have seen it been becoming a prolific thing in animation in recent years, for example "How to train your dragon" or "Ratatouille". I decided to also flip the storytelling rules on their head and start my film with a concluding scene from the end! then a narrative re telling the story, this non conventional way of storytelling is used to huge success in many animations and also in live action films such as "Fight club" or "The usual suspects".
To sum up I have taken my absolute obsession of watching movies and my knowledge of all the things I have learnt from them, and thus tried to incorporate this in my own screenplay, making it more cinematic, well thought out and interesting for the viewer. 
I did not want a generic narration of an old fairytale as I find that boring, I wanted people to relate to the film making techniques I have used in a way that they think yeah this guy knows how to narrate a story in a clever way, heck I want to manufacture a career out of this film, so the screenplay was not the time to cut corners.

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